Mother Mary Lange Court 398

Knights of Peter Claver

Ladies Auxiliary


History and Outlook

The Knights of Peter Claver

The Knights of Peter Claver was originally founded November 7, 1909, in Mobile Alabama as an organization to allow men of color membership in a Catholic fraternal society. The organization was incorporated July 12, 1911, at Mobile, Alabama.

With strong support of The Church throughout the years, the Order now has over 700 subordinate units throughout the United States and a Unit in Colombia, South America. Headquartered in New Orleans, Louisiana, the Order is comprised of over 18,000 Catholic family members. We continue our expansion efforts welcoming all Catholics to join. The Order is a member of the International Alliance Catholic Knights.

In 1926, under the leadership of the KPC National Council, we answered the call to organize and establish the Knights of Peter Claver, Ladies Auxiliary. And so, it was over 85 years ago that the National Council recognized local courts to form the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary. A tree was planted that has now grown into a forest of approximately 11,000 Ladies.
The Knights of Peter Claver, Inc. is the largest historically African-American Catholic lay organization in the United States. The Order is named for St. Peter Claver, the Spanish Priest who ministered to African slaves. In 2006, a unit was established in San Andres, Colombia, South America. The Order was founded in Mobile, Alabama and is presently headquartered in New Orleans.

Our organization consists of six Divisions: Knights of Peter Claver, Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary, Junior Knights, Junior Daughters, 4th Degree Knights and Ladies of Grace. The Order is governed by a Board of Directors and is under the leadership of the Supreme Knight and Supreme Lady, KPCLA. The Order is operated under the direction of the Executive Director and his staff.

We are divided into six Districts and States across the country. Each district or state is represented by a Deputy and other conference officers. Districts, States, and other Divisions are represented on the Board of Directors.

Our Junior Division welcomes Catholic youth between the ages of 7-18. They are organized using the same structure of the Senior Division. There is a Junior Supreme Knight, Junior Supreme Lady, along with Junior District or State Presidents and Officers. Interested youth must have made their First Holy Communion.

Our purpose is to render service to God and His Holy Church, render aid and assistance to the sick and disabled, and promote social and intellectual association among our members.

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Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary History

In 1926, under the leadership of the KPC National Council, we answered the call to organize and establish the Knights of Peter Claver, Ladies Auxiliary. And so, it was over 85 years ago that the National Council recognized local courts to form the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary. A tree was planted that has now grown into a forest of approximately 11,000 Ladies.

Who are the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary?

  1. We are Ladies who are young and yearning, wise and seasoned, vivacious, and vibrant, studious, and stunning, bold, and bodacious, awesome and awe-inspiring, dedicated and determined.
  2. We are strong, proud, and independent women willing to be of service to Our Noble Order.
  3. We are wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, and friends with a common goal of Faith, Unity, and Christian Charity.
  4. We are Ladies with our own unique identities who possess self-confidence, integrity, and the courage to express our opinions.
  5. We are Ladies willing to ensure the continuation of Our Noble Order for another 100 years.


To effect change in our communities, we must have the courage to demand the impossible and challenge ourselves. We must promote who we are as an organization. We all play a role in shaping our future.

For detail Organization, Goals and Objectives visit:

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Mother Mary Lange Court 398

 You have heard the story of the Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary.  The story of Council and Court 398 is just an extension of that story. Even though we were formed on Feb 22, 2014.  That is not where our story began.  It began when some young ladies with much determination began to meet with the head of the Diocese of Arlington and began telling the story of the Knights of Peter of Claver.  Of how it is the largest lay order of African American Catholics in the World. You can say that they are the Mothers of Council and Court 398.  It only took 20 years.  Can you imagine waiting to give birth for 20 years?   Well, their persistence paid off and they received some inside help with Lady Corrine Monogue who was truly impressed with their stories about the order and she arranged to get them on the Bishop’ calendar.  They finally got permission and approval from Bishop Laverde. Those two young ladies were Lady Anita Coleman and the current Grand Lady of Court 398, Mother Mary Lange, Grand Lady Patricia English.

So, what do we do?  Our purpose is to render service to God and His Holy Church, render aid and assistance to the sick and disabled and promise to promote social and intellectual association among our members.   And to promote Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity.  Some of our core projects focus on the Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary’s five pillars of social justice which are Black Lives Matter, Criminal Justice Reform, Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking and Racism.

How do we do these things?  First, we support the Oblate Sisters of Providence, which was formed by our namesake Mother Mary Lange, who is up for sainthood, we raise money, provide meals and deliver much needed items through our Christmas in July and our Christmas gift programs.   We have developed programs to help in the local community such as Food Pantries, Coat and clothing giveaways, school backpack and supplies giveaways and financial assistance.  We donate gift cards and toiletry bags to the local Domestic Violence Shelter.  We give seminars on Human trafficking and educate ourselves on how to recognize the signs of human trafficking and how to report it.  Upon request from our Pastor, we provide financial assistance for special projects. We participate in Prison ministry by cantoring at the Masses. In general, we are here to fulfill the Corporal works of Mercy:  Feed the hungry, Give drink to the thirsty, Give clothes to those who have none, Shelter the homeless, Visit the imprisoned and Bury the dead.

Court 398 is for all the ladies of the Arlington Diocese who believe in what we are doing.  We currently have ladies from four churches in the diocese.

There is a place for you to sit at the Claver table. Come join us.